Dynasty interview

-|MOD|-Dynasty- interview

19 Year old former member -|MOD|- & new found leader of the old clan CHUD. Also plays for [KIA2] and={XR}=.
Hi mate,

Give us a little background history about yourself for those who don't know you in HL
I was taught by -|XV|-**Reality** i learnt a lot of what i know from him, master of datacore. I just started playing valve and getting used to it, because i started off on Oz mod, hate it to be honest. Then i moved on to AG, playing arena and all that and watching all the elites learning from their playing.

OZ MOD I always wonder what the point of the MOD is... I really get annoyed when joining a server only to found out it's not Valve but an OZ server!! Do many good USA players play OZ??
No, other than Reality. A lot of old school USA players play it because of no lag comp etc.

Most Europeans look at Lexi (aka Karate-Nig) as being the daddy of US HL players but being a US player you know better so who are the big cheeses of HL?
I would have to say di.Mastermind, di.ChosenOne, [umL]Tiger, [umL]Term, and of course [umL]DrUnK_ItaLiaN oh dont forget wiseguy.

As you're getting well into Euro land playing against lots of European players & may I say kicking ass!! Which European players have you found to be the most helpful & friendly towards you?
You & Sharky and Renkie sort of.

On average from what you've seen so far who are the better players 'hardcore USA' players or 'hardcore European' players?
I think that it is equal but I also think that European players are more skilled...in some ways....hard question.

Will you be going over to HL2 when it comes out?
I wouldn't say going over to, but yes I'll be playing it. Doesn't mean im going to stop playing HL 1.

In all your time of playing what is the 'lamest' thing you've ever seen in a server or done against you in a game?
Ever play in valve servers? Yep Those noobs that use satchels on lights and shit lol. I laugh though its funny. I'd have to say people that complain alot and call you hacker etc...

hat satchels on lights thing I want your views on what I saw once in LTS in AG which has to rank high on my 'Most lame' list.... A player on Booty was hiding in the secret room with trips above ladder and using sound he could hear players on the roof top & by shooting the trip he kills every one and with wg off no one could get to him. What you think of this type of playing?
Just think it's cheap and it takes the fun and skill out of the game.

Would you say there are many cheating, lame, bigheaded players in AG at the moment?
Yeah no doubt.

Again the question I'm asking all... Your views on the hot topic of A3D sound should it be banned or not?
Depends on what gameplay you use it for.Do you think it gives unfair advantage in 1on1 matches? I believe that if 1 person has A3D and another who doesn't that is unfair yes... But if you don't have A3D and you beat them then you know you have accomplished something.

True. Finally who would you like to see win this tournament & which 3 do you think will have the best chance of winning it?
I'd like for myself to win! lol stupid thing to ask really I think the 3 most likely players to win are:-

MasS, Sharky, & renkie, lets not forget garps!

Thanks Dynasty & good luck in the tournament.

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